They’re sat there - in a circle, playing a game. Right there. Can you see them? See them? And how they played Russian roulette to pick out who would be next to get possessed…sessed.
The metal spun till it landed in a spot where no one sat. No one, but me. The metal pointed at me, the curious bystander.
I don’t know much about them besides their eyes painted red and their hair “black” stood. Their eyes turned to me and now “bright” they called me.
She, the one to the right, yes that one, can you see her? She dressed in the white top. Her mouth dilated 10cm. I think that’s a smile. That might be a smile. She stared at me through the eyes that fell down into her mouth and her left arm stretched 7 feet away and pulled me in.
You’re called to be possessed bright - she said.
I laughed.
What game is possessed? - I asked.
Well, we -
Brothers, Sisters, I was sitting there. What’s a human doing here?
They looked behind me, their lips turned into a grin and before I could blink, their bodies were gone. I looked behind me and saw as a man struggled. He grabbed his face and made noises. Funny noises. And after a few minutes, he stopped. His tongue grew longer and he licked me. The spit, yuck. I touched the slobber and groaned as my stomach hurled out my jalapeños burger and the vodka I just drank.
“Is he puking?” I heard.
The voice moved my feet back to where I sat, eyes wide opened.
“Are you really puking in the bar?” She asked
“What?” I asked.
I looked on the counter and saw chucks of the food I just ate.
“Are you saying I did that?”
“Yeah. We were supposed to eat here not hurl here you damn fool. How many fucking time do I have to tell you to do this stupid shit?” She got up and left.
I turned round and saw the eyes judging me. They smiled at me.
“How long was I out?” I turned to the bartender.
“5-10 minutes.”
“And you didn’t stop me? Or wake me up?” I sighed.
I turned once again and saw no more smiles,
“where are the people playing Russian roulette?”
“No one was playing Russian roulette.”
I got up. Took some bills out of my wallet and placed it on the bar table. “My apologies for this.”
I walked towards the door, turned round and the smiles turned to a frown.
“You’re still here?” The door shut behind me.
“No shit Damon. I’m not going to be in there with you and those demons.”
“What did you say?”
“Nothing. Let’s go home before someone takes a picture of you to post online.”
She walked forward and I followed behind.
Till next time,
gk gaius
Deo Volente
Super enticing from the start!