Over My Shoulder

“Parental Advisory.”
“Why do you start it that way?”
“Well, it’s going to be a gory story.”
“Okay, I’ll read while you write then.”
“I followed him behind two cars. The drive to his destination took 20 minutes, maybe 30 at most. I watched him pull into a ranch house, and - ”
““Don’t use the word “and” too much.””
“Okay, stop. I should edit afterwards.”
“Okay, just saying. Continue then.”
“Anyways, I drove past his house so he doesn’t notice me. I smiled. Knowing well that I’ll make today his last day on earth.”
“Shut up!”
“Damn okay, I was just letting you know I want to know more.”
“Well shut up.”
“What happens next?”
“I took a right at the stop sign and parked my car shortly after. I opened the glove box, grabbed my gun, and put it in my Jimmy Johns sandwich bag. I put my work hat on and drove right to his driveway.”
“Oh shit oh shit oh shit, he’s about to kill him as a delivery driver.”
“I’ll kill you if you don’t stop talking.”
“Sorry, it’s just interesting.”
I knocked on his door, and he looked at me as soon as he opened the door, “I didn’t order sandwiches,” he said.
“The kids didn’t order to be touched either. Make a noise and I’ll blow your head off right now.”
His mouth opened wide and ——
“No remarks this time?”
“You told me to shut up remember?”
And he backed up into his house, walked right towards his living room.
“Okay hero, how much do you want?”
“Money?” I thought, “maybe 200,000 dollars?” My eyes glowed.
The man opened his phone, “type your account info here,” and handed it to him.
As I took the phone, I smiled and pulled the trigger.
“Oh my word, what?”
“Okay, I’m done writing this story in front of you. Let’s go grab coffee instead.”
“Fine by me.”
At the coffee shop - away from the words
“What made you start the story that way?” Her friend asked.
"What made you keep interrupting?"
"I wanted to see your reaction to be honest.”
They smiled and Anita uttered, “The news. I saw a story that two kids under the age of five were hurt by an older man.”
“So you wrote about something real. Is that what usually happens? Is that how you gain inspiration?”
“It’s something real in my mind. It’s what some part of me would have done so I wanted to experiment with the idea in my head.”
“Why not try to make it real. Track someone down, do the deed, and walk out then write the story.”
“Then I would be in jail Talia.”
“What if I do it for you then? And you write about it?”
"Kill someone for what?"
"For a story duh. Are you in or out?"
“Well, I’ll think about it I guess?”
"Okay Anita. Are you going back to writing now then?"
"No, I’m still thinking about what you said. I think I could write a story about that so you don’t have to do something stupid and get yourself killed."
Talia blushed, “Well, I guess I’m now your inspiration. I’ll send more ideas your way.”